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...'more Money' ... so what is this about ?

As individuals we have a number of money related matters to consider when we are organizing and protecting our assets.

Areas to consider, may include some or all of the following subject areas. There may be much more that needs to be or could be included so I suggest this list as a starting point.

Insurance: health and disability
property and liability

Finances: taxation and gifting
retirement and future planning
investments and assets

Business: interests as employee
or employee

Legal Stuff: legal stuff

Not an employer?...most of us aren't...yet what happens in our lives is directly related to issues that employers share in common with us...

No longer in the workforce? ... Friends and family likely are...and what affects them may well have an impact on me or you...

You are invited to take a look into the related subject matter. Just click on the 'interests as' highlighted and underlined above for more discussion.

What's your view like?

You have likely read my opinion that each of us is Asset#1.
Reads like this :"I am Asset #1."

We are each our own greatest resource. If we accept this theory then it would suggest that to protect that resource it is necessary to look after ourselves first in mind, body and spirit. This might be symbolized by the recommendation of the cabin crew, on your next flight, to put the oxygen mask to your face first...when the cabin de-pressurizes...and before you try to help anyone else.

Every one of us has our own beliefs and to some extent or another we march to the beat of our own drummer. With that in mind it could be suggested that an effective method of protecting me (you or us) would include taking the time to determine who we are and what we really want as individuals.

This sounds a bit like I'm talking about some kind of 'out of body thing'...that is not the case at all. It is more about each of us understanding 'who I am as a person'...recognizing personal priorities.

Each of us feed our minds, bodies and spirits in different ways. For some it may be a walk in the forest or along a shore line; for others it might be the sight of a sun rising or setting; for others it might mean solitary contemplation; or perhaps meaningful conversation and discussion with a trusted friend or adviser...